A Little Update ✨

Dear friends,

It’s been a long minute. Again.

I honestly have been missing blogging a lot lately. Over the summer, I finally got an Instagram and have been “blogging” over there, though, it’s still not the same. Hearing the clicking of the keys. Dealing with the pettiness of WordPress. Reading all of your lovely comments and being blessed by each one. There’s something special about all those things and I miss them.

I’m hoping to come back more to this little corner of the Internet, even if it is a tad sporadic. I have posts written, though the time hadn’t been right to post them. The time will be right soon, but nevertheless, I wanted to share a bit of what the Lord has been teaching me…a lot has happened since June 1st. 🙂

Farewell to a Chapter

In early June, I graduated from High School. I still think about that special day and often wish that I could relive it all over again. Although I didn’t feel any particular emotion that day, I was reminded of how I got through High School only because of God. There were so many hard days. Days where I wanted to give up. Days I wish I didn’t have to encounter. And yet, the Lord sustained me through it all.

It’s because of those days that I learned to lean on God more instead of myself. I had to surrender it all to Him, laying down my burdens at His feet so that I could put my faith in Him. Believe me, it wasn’t always the first thing I did, but when I finally would, the weight would lift little by little.

I was surprised to find out when I got to the ceremony that I graduated Summa Cum Laude. Every time I look at the cord, I think, “Only God.” We can’t do anything apart from Him because we are too weak and don’t always know how to handle things. But God gives us direction, even when we can’t see. He provides when it seems like there is no way. He guides when the path seems dark, and we feel lost. He always knows how to get us through, but we just have to be willing to trust Him.

The Start of Something New

In mid-August I started college, which already has been an interesting journey. I’m learning to interact with people on a different level and figuring out how to exhibit grace and patience. I wouldn’t be the first to say that it’s not easy; however, I have been constantly reminded that as a representative of Christ, others need to see that through how I carry myself. They need to see that there’s something different about me by not living or responding like the world.

Colossians 1:10 says that “we are to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,” so we are to live in a way reflects Him. That’s why it’s so important to spend time in His presence so that we can grow to know His ways and know how we can live for Him. We will never be able to do it perfectly because of our sin nature, and that’s okay. What matters most is that from our life, we make Him known by letting others see Christ through us and letting His Word transform our actions.

Taking a Stand

I have grown to love my Fundamentals of Speech Communication class, even though I greatly despise speaking in front of people. Though, I think one big reason I love the class is the many opportunities to share my faith.

My professor loves to have a question of the day each class to mark students for attendance and oftentimes, his questions allow me to mention God and my faith. And it’s been awesome because since I had been doing it, a few of my other classmates began sharing that they’re a Christian through their answers.

We should never be fearful of professing our faith. People of other beliefs have no shame in telling others about it, so why should we? Sure, we might be mocked, or no one may respond at all, but we are not to be ashamed of the Gospel or our faith. We are here to share Christ no matter where we are as ambassadors for Him to make Him known. Remember that there’s always someone watching us, which means that our words and actions will impact someone. So, let us strive to become vessels His grace and love to bring Hope in a dying world.

It’s Just for a Season

A few days ago, I was telling my parents that I miss High School because I miss being busy. In all four years, I took AP and Honors classes while participated in a ton of extracurricular activities and invested in student leadership opportunities. However, now that I’m in college, those opportunities to push myself are scarce, or perhaps they look different from what I’m thinking. Nevertheless, I have found it frustrating, and I wish that things would change right now.

But you know what the Lord has been teaching me through it all? That this is only for a season.

It may seem like nothing is changing, but He is working. In His perfect timing, He will bring an opportunity, one that will bring Him glory and allow me to honor Him. Though, it may not be now and possibly not one I want to invest in. But He knows what is best and I have to wait on that.

What I’m experiencing now is only for a season; things will change when He sees fit. 🤎

Recent Music Favorites

I’ve been listening to a lot more music lately, so I thought I’d share what has encouraged me lately. Maybe you’ll find something that encourages your heart, too. 🤎

I hope that you found a bit of encouragement somewhere in this post, but I am looking forward to coming back here a little more often. 🙂 In the meantime, how has God been working in your life lately?

To God be the glory,

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